Part 4
Warning Against the
Fitnah of Takfeer
The Relationship between Takfeer & Rebellion
From the general matters which are beneficial to
mention and narrate: I met some of those who used to be from Jamaaat al-
Takfeer then Allaah Azza wa Jaal guided them.
I said to them:
here you call some of the rulers kuffar, so what do you think, for
example of making the imams of masaajid kuffar, and those who give the khutbah,
and those who give the adhaan in the masaajid, and those who render service to
the masaajid?! What do you think about making
Takfeer of the teachers of the knowledge of the Sharia' in schools,
and other places, for example?
They said: they are kuffar because they are pleased
with the rule of the rulers who judge without what Allaah has revealed!!!
I said to them:
If this 'being pleased' was in agreement with the heart (i.e. belief), judging
without what Allaah has revealed, then the kufr of action is altered to the kufr
of belief. So, any ruler, who rules
without what Allaah has revealed, and sees and believes that this ruling, is
the appropriate ruling to be applied in this time! And that the ruling of the Sharia'
from the text of the Book and Sunnah is not appropriate to be applied, then
there is no doubt that this kufr of this ruler is the kufr of belief and is not
the kufr of action alone, and whoever is pleased with this, and believes it,
then he also falls into the same group.
Then I said to them: Firstly, it is not possible
for you to make a judgment upon every ruler who rules with the western kufr
laws or with even some of them, and that if they were questioned about judging
with other than what Allaah has revealed?! They would answer; that ruling with
these rules is the truth and correct in this time! And it is not allowed to rule with the rules
of Islaam!! Otherwise, if they say this, they would – truly- become kuffar
without doubt or suspicion!
Then, if we came down to the people who are ruled,
and from amongst them there are the scholars, amongst them are the righteous
people etc. So how can you judge upon
them with kufr just because you see them living under the rule, which includes
them just as it includes you exactly!
But you declare them to be kuffar, and apostates and that ruling with
what Allaah has revealed is obligatory! Then you make an excuse for yourselves
and contradict yourselves: that differing with the judgments of the Sharia'
with mere actions does not deem necessarily the ruling on the one who differs with
the Sharia' that he is an apostate from his Deen!
This is exactly what the people other than you are
saying, whether you accuse them – wrongly – with the ruling of Takfeer
and apostasy!!!
And from amongst the general discussions which show
their mistakes and uncover their deviation, is saying to them:
When is a judgment given upon a Muslim that he has
apostated from his Deen? A Muslim who testifies that there is none worthy of
worship except Allaah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah, and perhaps
he prays.
Is it sufficient just one time? Or is it obligatory to be announced that he
has apostated from the Deen?
They would not know the answer! They will not be guided to the truth!! So we
are forced to give them the following example; we say to them:
A judge, judges with the Sharia'; this is his usual
practice and this is his system, but in one judgment he misjudged, and gave a
judgment against the Sharia', i.e. he gave the right to the oppressor
and prohibited it from the oppressed, so this is – most certainly - judging
without what Allaah has revealed! So do you say that his kufr is the kufr of
They will say:
No, because this happened to him one time.
We say: What if the same judgment was issued from
him a second time or a different judgment in which he also differed with the Sharia',
so has he committed kufr?
Then we repeat this to them: he does this 'three
times!' or 'Four times!' when do you say that he has committed kufr? It is not possible for them to place a limit
on the number of his judgments in which he has gone against the Sharia',
by which he can be declared a kaafir!!
The opposite of this is completely possible if it
is known from him that he, in his first judgment deemed it correct to judge
without what Allaah has revealed, - believing it is permissible to do so - and
disapproved of judging with the Sharia', then it would be correct to
judge him with apostasy, even for this first judgment!
Contrary to this, if we saw several judgments from
him in a number of decisions in which he went against the Sharia', and
if we were to ask him why did you judge without what Allaah has revealed?
He would reply saying: I was frightened and afraid for myself! Or I
was bribed for example and that is worse than the first example, but along with
this, it is not possible to say he is a kaafir until he declares what is in his
heart, that he does hold the view of judging without what Allaah Azza wa Jaal
has revealed, and only then is it possible to say that he is a kaafir, the kufr
of apostasy.
A summary of the speech: it is necessary to know
that kufr, like fisq(sinning) and
oppression is divided into two types:
- Kufr and fisq and oppression which places one outside the Ummah, and all
of these return to making it permissible by the heart.
- The other does not place one outside of the Ummah; and all of these
return to making it permissible by actions.
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