Last Part
Warning Against the
of Takfeer
By the
Muhadith, Allama, Ash-Shaykh
Muhammad Nasir
ud-Deen al-Albaani
Translated By
Abbas Abu Yahya
Making Takfeer of Sinners is not
So every type of sin and specifically what is
widespread in this time from what is regarded as permissible actions, such as
interest, illegal sexual relations, drinking alcohol amongst them, all of these
are kufr of action. So it is not allowed
for us to make Takfeer of the sinners- who have been deceived by some of
these sins - just because they have perpetrated a sin and regarded it as permissible
actions for themselves! Except if it
becomes apparent to us – with certainty – and it is unveiled with what is in
the depths of their ownselves that from their Aqeedah they do not
prohibit what Allaah and His Messenger have prohibited. So, if we know they have fallen into this opposition
with their hearts, then we can judge that they have committed kufr, the kufr of
And if we don’t know this, then there is no way for
us to judge them with kufr, because we fear we will fall into the threat of the
saying of his - SallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam - :
“If a man says to his brother: ‘Oh kaffir! Indeed it returns to one of
There are many ahadeeth mentioned with this
meaning. I will mention a hadeeth, which is a great evidence. It is in the
story of that Companion who killed one of the mushrikeen . When the mushrik saw that he was about to come
under the blow of the sword of the Muslim Companion, he said, “I testify that
none is worthy of worship except Allaah!!”
The Companion took no interest in that and killed him!! When the news reached the Prophet - SallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - he disapproved of it
severely. The Companion mentioned an
excuse that he did not say what he said except from the fear of being killed, but
the answer of the Messenger - SallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - was:
you open up his heart?!”
Therefore the kufr of belief does not have a fundamental
connection with just actions, but it has a connection with the heart.
And it is not possible for us to know what is in
the heart of the faasiq (sinner) or the adulterer or the thief or the one who is
a fornicator nor the one who takes interest, etc. Except if he confesses with his
tongue what is in his heart. As far as
his action is concerned then it is notification that he has opposed the Sharia',
with a differing of action.
So, we say: without
doubt you have opposed the Sharee'ah! and indeed you have committed fisq(a sin)!
and adulterated! But we do not say: 'Indeed
you have become a kaafir and apostated
from your Deen', until there manifests
from him something which will be an excuse for us with Allaah Azza wa
Jaal in judging him regarding apostasy and following that comes the well know
ruling in Islaam which is none other than the saying of the Messenger - SallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam -: “Whoever changes his Deen then kill him.”
Then I said and I continue to say to those who
constantly make Takfeer of the Muslim rulers: let’s suppose the kufr of these
rulers is the kufr of apostasy! And suppose there was a ruler who was above
them, then it would be obligatory – in this situation - on that higher ruler to
implement the Islaamic punishment on them.
However, how do you benefit yourselves practically
if we agree for the sake of argument that all of these rulers are kuffar, and
their kufr is the kufr of apostasy?
What can you possibly do and establish?
If the Takfeer is say: for the sake of 'al Walaa wa al
Baraa', loyalty to the believers and disassociation from the kuffar!! Then we reply to them: loyalty and disassociation are connected to
friendship and hate – by the heart and by actions -, and it is dependent on
capability, therefore it is not conditional that you proclaim Takfeer,
and declare apostacy, just because 'al Walaa wa al Baraa' are
present. Rather, friendship and hate
could both take place in an innovator, sinner, or an oppressor!!
Then I say to these people, here we have the kuffar,
and they have occupied the many lands of Islaam! We are with sadness being
trialed with the occupation of Palestine by the Jews. What is possible for us
and for you to do about it? Is it important to stand – alone – against those
rulers whom you think and claim are kuffar?
If only you had left this issue alone, and started
laying down the foundation for the structure, on which the foundations of an
Islaamic government stands, which is following the Sunnah of the
Messenger of Allaah - SallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam -, this is how he educated his Companions, and they built from this
source its system and its foundation.
We mention this a lot, and we emphasize it a lot: that
it is necessary for all Muslim organizations to work in truth, in order to bring
back the rule of Islaam. Not only in the
Islaamic lands, but on the whole earth, and that is the fulfillment of His Tabaraka
wa Ta'aala saying:
<<It is He who has sent His Messenger with
the guidance the Deen of Truth, to make it superior over all other religions
even though the Mushrikeen hate it>>
What has been mentioned by prophecies in some of
the prophetic hadeeth is that this Ayaat will be realized at a later time.
For it to be possible for the Muslims to implement
this Qur’aanic text and this divine promise, it is necessary to follow an
evident path and a clear way. Will this evident path be by announcing a
revolution against these rulers of whom it is thought that their kufr is the kufr
of apostasy?! Then along with their
suspicion, which is wrong and a suspicion which is mistaken, they cannot do
So what is the methodology? What is the path?
No doubt that the correct path, which is an
exemplary path, is what the Messenger of Allaah - SallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam - used to constantly talk about and
remind his companions about in every khutbah:
"And the best guidance is the guidance of
Muhammed - SallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam ."
So it is upon all the Muslims without exception and
specifically those who busy themselves with the return of Islaamic rule, that
they begin from where the Messenger of Allaah - SallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam – began. We have labeled this in two
concise words:
Purification and Education
Because we know the firmly established reality,
which is being neglected or more accurately purposely neglected, by those
extremists who do not have anything except that they proclaim Takfeer of
the rulers, and then nothing else!!
And they continue to proclaim Takfeer of the
rulers then nothing stems from them, or about them, except discord and strife!!
The calamities in these past few years which have
been by the hands of these people, beginning from the discord (fitnah) of the
Haraam of Makkah to the dissension in Egypt
and the killing of Sadaat. Finally, in
Syria and now in Egypt and Algeria- a sight that everyone can see; the shedding of the blood of many of the innocent
Muslims because of these fitn, tribulations, and the occurrence of many trials
and calamities.
All of this because they opposed many of the texts
from the Book and the Sunnah and the most important of which is:
Indeed in the Messenger of Allaah you
have a good example to follow, for him who hopes in the meeting with Allaah and
the Last Day and remembers Allaah much. >>
If we really want to establish the rule of Allaah on
the earth – in reality not just in a claim - then do we start with making Takfeer
of the rulers while it is not possible for us to confront them – let alone
fighting them - or do we start – with the obligation - the Messenger of Allaah -
SallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - started with?
There is no doubt that the answer is:
<< Indeed in the
Messenger of Allaah you have a good example to follow…….. >>
But what did the Messenger of Allaah - SallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam -begin with?
It is known – with certainty - to anyone who has
smelt the fragrance of knowledge that he began with the Daw’ah between
individuals whom he thought were ready to accept the truth. Then whoever was ready to respond to him, from
the individuals of the noble Companions responded to him - as it is well known
in the prophetic biography. Then the
punishment and the severity befell these Muslims in Makkah. After that came the command for the first migration
and the second until Allaah Azza wa Jal consolidated Islaam in al-Madeena
al-Munnawara. From there began the skirmishes
and the opposition. Also, the fighting between the Muslims and the kuffaar on
one side and the Jews from the other.……etc.
Therefore it is necessary for us to begin by
teaching the people the true Islaam; like the Messenger - SallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - had begun. Now we cannot just confine ourselves to
teaching alone, because things have entered into Islaam which are not from it,
and has no association with Islaam, from the bida' and innovations which were the
reason for the clear downfall of the lofty status of Islaam.
Because of this it is obligatory upon those
inviting to Islaam to begin with purification of Islaam from what has entered
into it.
The first principle – “Purification”
The second principle – “Education”
The education that is associated with this
purification is the education of the young active Muslims on this pure Islaam.
If we study the reality of the Islaamic groups which
have existed, for nearly a generation, and their ideas and the practice of
these ideas. We would find that many of
them have not benefited themselves, nor have they benefited others with anything
that can be remembered! Despite their outcry and noise, that they want an
Islaamic government!! Which was a reason
of spilling blood of the innocent with this baseless argument!! Without them
having realised anything from it.
We continue to hear from their beliefs which are
opposed to the Book and Sunnah and actions which are negated by the Book
and Sunnah, let alone them trying, again and again with futile attempts
which oppose the Sharia'.
Finally I say:
there is a statement which one of the propagators of Islaam said, which I
used to hope that his followers would adhere to it and fulfill it, which is: 'Establish
the Islaamic state in your heart it will be established for you on the earth.'
Because If a Muslim corrects his Aqeedah built upon
the Book and Sunnah, then there is no doubt that from this he will
correct his worship, correct his behavior and his manners etc.
But, with regret, these fine words have not been
acted upon by these people, they persist with an outcry to establish the Islaamic
state but without any benefit! and it is said about them – and I swear by
Allaah to this - what the poet said is true:
hope for success and you do not follow its path
a ship does not sail on dry land.
Perhaps in this what I have mentioned is persuasive
enough for every just person, and a termination for every oppressor.
We seek Allaah's help.
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