Is it Permissible to Talk to ones
Fiancée over the Telephone?
Answered by
the Muhadith, the ‘Allaama,
Shaykh of Hadeeth
Muhammad Nasr ud-Deen al-Albaani
Translated by
Abbas Abu Yahya
This is a translation of the transcript of a
question that was asked to Shaykh al-Albaani - may Allaah have mercy upon him.
Shaykh: Yes
Questioner: Assalamu alaykum
Shaykh: wa Alaykum Assalamu wa Rahmatullaahi wa
Questioner: If you don't mind is the noble Shaykh al-Albaani there?
Shaykh: He's with you.
Questioner: Good, if you would allow me O Shaykh I have some questions to ask.
Shaykh: Go ahead.
Questioner: Is it permissible to talk to my fiancée over the phone?
Shaykh: have you contracted the marriage yet or
Questioner: not yet.
Shaykh: It's not permissible.
Questioner: Not permissible??
Shaykh: Not allowed.
Questioner: Even if it's for advice?
Shaykh: it's not permissible.
Questioner: ok is it permissible for me to visit her and sit with her if the Mahram
is present?
Shaykh: with a Mahram being present and she
comes in front of you wearing a Jilbaab in Hijab, like when she
goes out, then it's allowed, otherwise no.
Questioner: is it possible for her to uncover her face?
Shaykh: it's possible, if it's only the face.
Questioner: only the face?
Shaykh: She shouldn't wear a beautified dress and
a short dress etc.
Questioner: ok regarding sitting with her, what is permissible for me to talk
to her about?
Shaykh: Do not talk to her except with what you
would talk to with other than her.
Questioner: Ok if she asks me for a picture of me, is it ok to give it to her
or not?
Shaykh: just like if you asked her for her
Questioner: yes??
Shaykh: I said just like if you asked her for her
Questioner: yeah.
Shaykh: Is it permissible?
Questioner: No.
Shaykh: and my answer is also no.
Questioner: your answer is no??
Shaykh: no, definitely no.
Questioner: about what??
Shaykh: About what! For the same thing what you
said, that you cannot ask her for her picture.
Questioner: yeah.
Shaykh: understand?
Questioner: yeah, yes.
Shaykh: If you understand then stick to it.
Questioner: But O Shaykh sometimes a person is forced to phone her, is this permissible?
Shaykh: I don’t think there is a need, you want to
marry her don’t you?
Questioner: For example, is it permissible to phone her for the possibility
that I can visit her, at such and such time?
Shaykh: why do want to visit her?! What's the
difference between her and any other woman?
Questioner: Do you mean it's not allowed to visit her?
Shaykh: O my brother, I say to you what's the
difference between her and any other woman? Why do you want to visit her? You
want to marry her; you marry her by requesting it from her guardian.
Questioner: If her guardian is present?
Shaykh: You want to marry her, you marry her by
requesting her guardian, if there is an original agreement then you can visit
her if the guardian is present, to see her and she sees you, as for visiting
her then no!
Questioner: It's still not allowed to visit even after the engagement?
Shaykh: After the engagement?
Questioner: Yeah.
Shaykh: She remains to be a stranger to you O
brother until you perform the marriage contract.
Questioner: Thank you, may Allaah reward you O Shaykh.
Shaykh: And you.
Questioner: May Allaah be generous to you.
Shaykh: May Allaah protect you… Sallamu alayk.
Questioner: Assalamu alaykum
Shaykh: Wa Alaykum Assalamu wa Rahmatullaahi wa
Taken from: Silsilah Huda wa Noor, tape no. 269 at
Praise belongs to Allaah, may His peace and blessings be upon our final Prophet Muhammad, his family, his Companions
and all those who follow his guidance.
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