Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Part A Some Ahadeeth pertaining to Manners, Righteousness & Keeping Good Relations

Part A
Some Ahadeeth pertaining to Manners, Righteousness
 & Keeping Good Relations

Taken from
Silsilah Ahadeeth As-Saheehah
Shaykh Al-Albaani

Translated by
Abbas Abu Yahya

1- From Abu Darda from the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam:
‘The heaviest thing on the scales is good manners.’

2- From Abu Huraira ascribed to the Prophet:                       
‘If a man says ‘Auudhu billah’ when he becomes angry, his anger subsides.’
No. 1376

3- From Abdullaah bin ‘Amr bin Aas in a narration ascribed to the Prophet:
‘Be merciful, and you will have mercy upon you. Forgive and Allaah will forgive you. Woe be to the one who listens like a funnel (does not act upon what he’s told nor cares). Woe be to those who are openly sinful, and they openly sin even though they know what they have done is wrong.’

4- From Ubadah in a narration ascribed to the Prophet:
‘Guarantee me six things in yourselves and I will guarantee you Paradise: be truthful when you speak and fulfill your promises, fulfill your trusts, protect your private parts and lower your gaze and keep your hands back from touching.’

5- From Abdullaah bin ‘Amr: that Mu’adh bin Jabl wanted to travel, so he asked the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – to advise him. The Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – said: ‘Worship Allaah and do not associate anything with him.’

Mu’adh said: ‘O Prophet of Allaah tell me more.’

He - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – said to him: ‘If you make a mistake follow it up with a good deed.’

Mu’adh said: ‘O Prophet of Allaah tell me more.’

The Messenger said: ‘Be upright and make your manners good.’

6- From Abu Sa’eed al-Khudree in a narration ascribed to the Prophet: ‘The most complete of the believers in their Emaan are those who have the best manners, who are humble, who join hearts and their hearts are joined.  There is no good in the one who does not join the hearts nor is his heart joined.’
No. 751

7- From Abdullaah bin ‘Aamir who said: ‘The Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – came to our house when I was a child, I went out to play. My mother said: ‘O Abdullaah! Come here and I'll give you something.’
The Messenger of Allaah said: ‘What did you intend to give him?’
She answered: ‘I was going to give him dates.’

The Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – said: ‘If you did not give him anything, then you would have had it written as a lie against you.’

8- From Aayaad bin Hamaar, from the Prophet -sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – that he gave them a sermon and said: ‘Indeed Allaah revealed to me that you should humble yourselves so much so that no one is proud, elevated above another person.  Nor should one person oppress another person.’
No. 570

9- From Rabeeyah al-Asslamee who said :  I used to serve the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - and he gave me some land, and he gave Abu Bakr some land, and when it  came to dividing the land, we differed over a cluster of dates from a date palm tree.  Abu Bakr said: this is on my side of the land!  And I said: It is on my side!  There used to be a problem between me and Abu Bakr, and Abu Bakr said a statement to me which I hated but he regretted saying it, so he said to me: ‘O Rabeeyah! Say something to me similar to what I said to you, so that it can be requital.’

So I said: ‘I will not say it.’

Abu Bakr said: ‘You will say it or I will request the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa salaam – to order you to say it.
So I said: ‘I will not say it.’

Abu Bakr left that portion of the land for me and went off to the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - and I followed him.  The people from my tribe followed us and said to me: ‘May Allaah have mercy on Abu Bakr, why is he going to the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – about you, and he said what he said about you.’

So I said : ‘Do you know who this is?? This is Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq, he is one of the two who were in the cave, he is one who has grown old as a Muslim ( one of the elders of the Muslims), beware he does not turn around and see you assisting me against him and becomes angry and he meets the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – will become angry due to him being angry, and then Allaah Azza wa Jal becomes angry due to them being angry and then Rabeeyah will be destroyed.’

They said: ‘What do you order us to do?’

I said: ‘Go back.’

Abu Bakr - RadhiAllaahuanhu- went off to the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam -, so I followed him by myself, until he reached the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – and he told him the story as it was. The Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – raised his head towards me and said: ‘O Rabiah what’s the matter between you and as-Siddeeq?’

I said : ‘O Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – such and such happened, and he said a statement to me which I disliked, then he said to me, say something similar to what I said to you so that it can be  requited, but I refused.’

Then the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam – said: ‘Yes, do not say a word back to him, but say: May Allaah forgive you O Abu Bakr. May Allaah forgive you O Abu Bakr.’

Hasan said: ‘Abu Bakr turned around and he was crying.’
No. 3258

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