Part 2
Encouragement to have Affection and Friendliness & Warning Against Splitting up and Differing
الـحـثُ عـلى الـمَودَة و الائتـلافِ
والـتحـذير مـن الـفرقـة والإخـتـلاف
By the
Shaykh Muhaddith Allaama
Rabee' bin Hadi bin Umayr al-Madkhalee
Translated by
Abbas Abu Yahya
The Station of Taqwa and Ihsaan
So this sermon consists of
the advice to fear Allaah, which is necessary and it is not exemplified
except in the lives of the righteous, truthful scholars as in the saying of
Allaah Ta’ala:
<<It is only those who have knowledge among His
slaves that fear Allaah. >> [Fatir: 28]
Fear Allaah Azza wa Jal so you can reach this
level and learn so that you can reach that status; because the one who knows
the correct 'Aqeedah, Manhaj and rulings, manners and behaviour
springing from the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger - sallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam - then he is the one who fears Allaah Azza wa Jal and Taqwa is
attained with all of these matters.
So when these matters -
which we have mentioned – are acknowledged then the slave is driven to
the Taqwa of Allaah Azza
wa Jal, to having fear of Him and being aware of Him in every time, place and
situation. This is a great station which
is the station of al-Ihsaan (perfection of worship).
'That you worship Allaah as if you see Him and if you cannot see Him
then know that He sees you.'[1]
This station of al-Ihsaan
(perfection of worship) is that a person has certainty that Allaah sees him and
that Allaah hears all he says and hears; the beating of his heart, the feelings
of his heart and what he thinks to himself.
Allaah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala knows it and hears it and He sees his
movements and when he is still.
the true believer regards Allaah with true greatness and he acknowledges that
Allaah Subhanah hears everything that he says and knows everything he
discusses, or thinks to himself and that Allaah has:
<<Angels Kirâman (honourable) Kâtibîn writing down (your deeds). They know all that you do. >> [al-Infitar: 11-12]
So if these distinguished
feelings are found in the soul of a believer then he has acquired the
characteristic of Taqwa which causes him to keep away from sinning, Shirk,
Bida' and superstitions and he acquires the station of al-Ihsaan (perfection
of worship) since he is aware of Allaah and he feels that Allaah sees him and
he cannot hide anything of his affairs from Allaah not a little nor a lot, not
even the like of an atom.
This is a noble awareness
and distinguished feeling which pushes one -InshAllaah - to the Taqwa
of Allaah. This cannot be reached except
for the one who knows the correct 'Aqeedah, the correct rulings of Halaal
and Haraam and knows the commands and prohibitions, the promise and the
warnings from the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah – alayhis Sallat
wa Sallam. They are the ones
who deserve the praise of Allaah - Tabaraka wa Ta'ala – He said; about
<< It is only those who have knowledge among His
slaves that fear Allaah. >> [Fatir: 28]
And He said:
<< Allaah will exalt in degree those of you who
believe and those who have been granted knowledge. >> [al-Mujadilah: 11]
So strive to be from these
types of people: i.e. that you combine knowledge and action. That is the fruit of correct knowledge and
having the Taqwa of Allaah - Tabaraka wa Ta'ala - and being aware of
The Call to Allaah
is upon you O brothers to acquire
the pure, truthful Eemaan, beneficial knowledge and righteous actions. Our Lord –Jal Sha’anahu- said:
<< By Al-'Asr (the time). Verily! Man is in loss, except those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth and recommend one another to patience>> [al-Asr: 1-3]
Truthful Eemaan is
only built upon knowledge. Righteous
actions do not emanate except from knowledge. Dawa' to Allaah cannot be
set forth with it (i.e. knowledge) except by the people of knowledge and being
patient with harm -BarakAllaahu Feekum - is required for the one
who has learnt, teaches and calls to Allaah
- Tabaraka wa Ta'ala -.
So be from those who know
and believe in this knowledge, those who call to this knowledge and Eemaan and
are patient with harm in the path of conveying this truth and goodness to the
people. Indeed a believing Muslim caller
to Allaah will face harm the likes of which never even crossed his mind and nor
had he anticipated!
A believer is not dazed by
this since he is harmed in the way of Allaah and the best of Allaah’s creation
were harmed in the path of Dawa' to Allaah although they were the
Prophets and the noble Messengers - alayhim as-sallam - and they were
harmed more than us. They were tried
with severe enmity and hatred more than we are and this is the meaning of the
saying of the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam : 'The people with
the severest trials are the Prophets, then the righteous people then their
likes and their likes.'[2]
And the Messenger - sallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam - saying: 'No one was harmed for the sake of Allaah
like I was harmed.'[3]
So whoever holds fast to
the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah and calls to it,
will definitely be harmed - except if Allaah wills - so accustom yourself to
<< Only those who are patient shall receive their
rewards in full, without reckoning. >> [az-Zumar: 10]
Allaah ordered His
Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - to take the great Prophets
as an example and to be patient in the field of Dawa' and striving just
as the great Prophets were patient.
Allaah said to him:
[1] Narrated by Bukhari (50) & Muslim
(9) from the hadeeth of Abu Huraira – radhiAllaahu anhu.
[2] Narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad (1484)
and it’s his wording. Also by Tirmidhi (2398) & Ibn Majah (4023) from the
hadeeth of Sa’ad bin Abee Waqqas – radhiAllaahu anhu - & it was
authenticated by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’ (992,994).
[3] Narrated by Tirmidhi (2472) & Ibn
Majah (151) from the hadeeth of Anas –radhiAllaahu anhu - & it was
authenticated by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’ (5125).
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