Part 3
Encouragement to have Affection and Friendliness & Warning Against Splitting up and Differing
الـحـثُ عـلى الـمَودَة و الائتـلافِ
والـتحـذير مـن الـفرقـة والإخـتـلاف
By the
Shaykh Muhaddith Allaama
Rabee' bin Hadi bin Umayr al-Madkhalee
Translated by
Abbas Abu Yahya
An Excellent Example
And we have in the
Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - and in all the
Prophets of Allaah a good example. The
Messenger was commanded to take those Prophets before him as an example and to
follow their guidance and we have been commanded to follow the guidance of the
Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam, and take him as
an example:
This good example is
complete in every matter which Muhammad - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam came with;
so, he is an example in his 'Aqeedah, so we believe in that which he
believed in; an example in his worship, so we worship Allaah making the
religion sincerely for Him, following that which the noble Messenger – alayhis Sallat
wa Sallam - came with.
He is an example in great
manners which perhaps many of the callers to Allaah - Tabaraka wa
Ta'ala - and many of the youth have lost, much of it having been forgotten and
some of the youth have forgotten it too.
Indeed Allaah has praised His Messenger – alayhis Sallat wa
Sallam - with eloquent
praise and He said:
<< And verily, you are on an exalted standard of
character >> [Qalam: 4]
So the caller to Allaah,
the student of knowledge, the instructor and the guide all need to take the
Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - as an example in
their 'Aqeedah, Manhaj and manners. So if these matters are combined in the
caller to Allaah or they are nearly complete then this Dawa' will be
successful - InshAllaah - and the caller to Allaah will have presented
it in the most beautiful and best form -BarakAllaahu Feekum.
If the caller to Allaah is
deficient in the matters of his Dawa', being deficient in having noble
manners-from which is having patience, wisdom, gentleness, softness and other
things which are important, which the Dawa' of the Messengers –alayhim Sallat wa
Sallam- requires. Then this is an
apparent deficiency in his Dawa'.
So it is upon him to ensure he manifests those matters completely.
Perhaps many of the people
are negligent of this! And this harms the Dawa' of Salafiyyah and harms
its people. Since if these manners are neglected
and the Dawa' is presented to the people in a way that they dislike and
is made unpleasant and detestable by having harshness, severity and
recklessness - and the likes of these things - then this is an obstacle to the Dawa'
and to it being accepted. Since these
matters are even disliked in the affairs of the Duniya let alone in the
matters of the Deen.
So it is necessary for the
student of knowledge to follow a path of righteous good manners in giving Dawa'.
The Manner of The Call
Therefore, it is necessary
for you - O brother - to take as an example the Aathar which are
mentioned about the way of calling to Allaah; and that is done by studying the
biography of the Messenger, studying his manners, studying his 'Aqeedah
and studying his Manhaj.
Some people do not care
about the 'Aqeedah of the Messenger nor about his Manhaj and they
follow other methodologies and beliefs, which Shaytaan fabricates for the
people of Bida' and misguidance whom Allaah forsakes.
There are a few people who
have been blessed enough to acquire the 'Aqeedah, but they are deprived
of the Manhaj! There are people
who are blessed with the 'Aqeedah and the Manhaj but in their
behaviour they end up neglecting the 'Aqeedah and the Manhaj, the
truth is with them - correct 'Aqeedah and correct Manhaj - but
their behaviour and technique of giving Dawa' destroys the Dawa'
and harms it!
So be careful of opposing
the Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - in his 'Aqeedah,
his Manhaj and his Dawa'.
It is upon you to learn how he – alayhis Sallat wa
Sallam -
used to call the people and to find out about these prophetic
instructions of wisdom, patience, gentleness, pardoning and forgiveness,
softness, kindness and other matters alongside these.
Comprehend these O
brothers and know that these are necessary in our Dawa' to the people;
do not take one aspect of Islaam and neglect the other aspects, or take one
aspect from the ways of giving Dawa' to Allaah - Tabaraka wa
Ta'ala - and neglect the other aspects.
Since that harms the Deen of Allaah -Azza wa Jal- and it harms the Dawa'
and its people.
I swear by Allaah; the Dawa'
of Salafiyyah in recent times - and in other times - was not spread
except at the hands of people who were scholars, wise and gentle, who were the
representation of the Manhaj of the Messenger – alayhis Sallat
wa Sallam - and they
implemented what they were able to. So
Allaah caused them to be of benefit and the Dawa' As-Salafiyyah
was widespread in many lands of the Duniya via their manners, knowledge
and wisdom.
And in the present time;
we see that the Dawa' As-Salafiyyah is retreating and dwindling and that
is not due to anything except the loss of their wisdom, rather the wisdom of
the Messenger – alayhis Sallat wa Sallam - foremost, and the loss of the likes of his
gentleness, mercy, manners, kindness and softness.
'Aeysha cursed a Jew, so
the Messenger of Allaah said to her: ' O 'Aeysha indeed Allaah loves kindness
in all matters.'[1]
If a scholar nowadays
mentions this hadeeth to the youth, directing them to the correct Manhaj
of giving Dawa' to Allaah, then they say: this is watering things down (Tameea’)!
If these noble manners are
mentioned and cited as a reminder the likes of wisdom, kindness, softness,
gentleness and pardoning -which are the necessary requirements for giving Dawa'
to Allaah - Tabaraka wa Ta'ala - and they are attributes
which attract the people to the correct Dawa'- then the result of this
would be that the people would enter into the religion of Allaah in droves.
These people, who try to
change things, push the people away - in spite of the saying of the Messenger
of Allaah: ‘Indeed there are those amongst you who repel.’[2]
And he said - sallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam – ‘Make things easy, and do not make things difficult,
give good news and do not drive people away.’[3]
O brothers: these people
do not comprehend! Otherwise - I swear by Allaah - it obligates them to then
brand the Messenger as one who waters things down (Mumaya’)! And that
the Companions and the scholars of the Ummah watered things down (Mumaya’een)!
Their claim of watering
down necessitates that they – those who are upon this severity and destructive
harshness - which has destroyed the Dawatul Salafiyyah - it necessitates,
that they claim that the Messenger himself who calls to kindness, wisdom and
softness is also watering things down (Mumaya’), and we seek forgiveness
from Allaah.
I swear by Allaah; they do
not want this nor do they intend the Messenger of Allaah in what they say! But they lack understanding. So it is upon them - from now on - to
comprehend what results from these rulings.
We, indeed - by Allaah,
strive, debate, write, advise and call to Allaah - Ta'ala - with kindness and
they regard us from those who water things down (Mumaya’een), they do
not want us to say: wisdom, softness and kindness!
Indeed we have seen that
harshness has destroyed the Dawa’ As-Salafiyyah, and torn its people
apart, so what should we do?? I say: O brothers, when we see fires burning, do
we leave them to burn more?? Or do we bring that which will extinguish these
I was forced to - and this
is my obligation - and I used to say this before today, but I concentrated upon
this when I saw this destruction, and I saw these tribulations. I say: it is upon you to have gentleness, it
is upon you to have softness, it is upon you to have brotherhood and it is upon
you to be merciful to each other. Indeed
this harshness has been directed towards the Ahl -ul-Sunnah themselves
whereas they have left the Ahl- ul- Bida' and aimed at the Ahl-ul
Sunnah with this destructive harshness and mixed it with oppression and
false oppressive rulings.
Be aware be very aware,
lest you follow this path which will destroy you and destroy Dawa' As-Salafiyyah
and it destroys its people.
[2] Narrated by Bukhari (90) & Muslim
(466) from the hadeeth of Abee Masood al-Badree
–radhiAllaahu anhu.
[3] Narrated by Bukhari (69) from the
hadeeth of Anas bin Malik –radhiAllaahu anhu,
& by Muslim (1732) from the hadeeth of Abu Musa –radhiAllaahu anhu.
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