Friday, June 8, 2012

Part 5 Encouragement to have Affection and Friendliness & Warning Against Splitting up and Differing

Part 5
Encouragement to have Affection and Friendliness & Warning Against Splitting up and Differing

الـحـثُ عـلى الـمَودَة و الائتـلافِ
والـتحـذير مـن الـفرقـة والإخـتـلاف

By the
Shaykh Muhaddith Allaama
Rabee' bin Hadi bin Umayr al-Madkhalee

Translated by
Abbas Abu Yahya

Guidance for the People

So learn, O brothers, the correct methods of the Sharia'.  The aim is guidance for the people and the aim is conveying the truth to the hearts of the people.

O brother, it is upon you to use all that you can from the ways of the Sharia' in the path of Dawa' to Allaah.  And we do not believe that the ends justify the means since this is from the characteristics of the people of Bida' who fell into - due to these characteristics - lying, twisting, circling around the subject and trickery.  Just as the Imam 'Alee bin Harb al-Moosalee said: 'Every person who follows his desire lies and he doesn't care that he lies.'

We don't have any of these characteristics; we are the people of honesty and the people of truth.  We present the truth in a form and fashion which the people accept and it affects their hearts, may Allaah bless you.

Then we also went to 'Kasla' in Sudan and MashAllaah the Dawa' was going smoothly and well and all praise belongs to Allaah, we spoke there and praise belongs to Allaah and Allaah made our speech beneficial.

Then we went to 'al-Ghazarif' it is a small city there and we rotated between all the masajd in that place.  The people said: there does not remain in this city except one masjid, which is with the Tijaaneeyah, which we cannot get to!

I said: 'why not?'

They said: 'They're prejudiced, severely prejudiced.' 

I said: 'Let's go to them and request permission, if they allow us to talk, we will convey the message and if they prevent us then we have an excuse in front of Allaah, it is not necessary that we face them with force and strength -BarakAllaahu Feekum..

So we went there and the imam led us in prayer.  After we finished it, I gave him Salaams and said to him, will you allow me to deliver a speech to these brothers? 

He said: 'go ahead.'

So I spoke, called to Allaah, to Tawheed, to Sunnah and to other matters of knowledge.  I criticized some of the mistakes which are present, points of misguidance until I reached to the hadeeth of 'Aeysha –radhiAllaahu anha- which is mentioned by Bukhari and Muslim:
‘There are three things, whoever speaks with one of them then he has told a major lie against Allaah: whoever says: that Muhammad saw his Lord; then he has told a major lie against Allaah, whoever says: that Muhammad knows what will happen tomorrow; then he has told a major lie against Allaah’: and I mentioned the proofs for that - 'and he who claims that Muhammad did not convey what was revealed to him; then he has told a major lie against Allaah.’[1]

Then the Imam stood up - he was annoyed and he said to me: ‘I swear by Allaah that indeed Muhammad saw his Lord with his own eyes!’

I said to him: JazakAllaahu khair.  As for ‘Aeysha - who is the most knowledgeable of the people about the Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam -, she said: ‘whoever says: that Muhammad saw his Lord; then he has told a major lie against Allaah.’ If the Messenger of Allaah had seen his Lord he would have told her, but he did not tell her this.

Then he began to make a din and press me, I said to him: ‘O my brother wait until I finish my talk, then after that ask about whatever you want.  That which I know I can answer, that which I do not know, I'll say to you Allaah knows best.’  I left him and continued speaking, I don't know if he remained or left.  I don’t know, I didn't turn around towards him. Then I heard a man saying:  ‘I swear that what this man is speaking the truth!’
Then I heard the same sentence again from somebody else and he added: 'the man is saying: 'Allaah said, the Messenger of Allaah said.' -BarakAllaahu Feekum.

Then the Adhaan was called for the Isha prayer, so the talk ended.  The prayer was about to begin and the people began pushing me to lead them in prayer.  So I said to them: 'no way, I won't lead you in prayer, the Imam will lead.'

They said: 'we swear by Allaah you will lead the prayer, we swear by Allaah you will lead the prayer.'

I said: 'OK' and I led them in prayer.  After we finished I left with the youth of Ansaar as-Sunnah and I asked them: 'where did the Imam go?' They said: 'They evicted him.' I said: 'who evicted him?' they said: 'we swear by Allaah his congregation evicted him.'

This is what happened. - O brothers -

So if a person comes and says that the Tijaaneeyah al-Marganiyaah are fools!  They might slaughter him, not just evict him, but if you come to them with wisdom and gentleness -BarakAllaahu Feekum then Allaah will make them benefit by this.

Advice to the Salafiyyoon

O brothers, use beneficial knowledge and solid proof and beneficial wisdom in your Dawa'. You should have all the noble and beautiful manners encouraged by the Book and the Messenger of guidance; indeed they are causes for victory and causes for success.

You have to believe that the Companions did not spread Islaam or enter it into the hearts except with their wisdom and their knowledge more so than with their swords.  However, whoever enters into Islaam under the sword might not be firm, but whoever enters Islaam by way of knowledge, proof and evidence then this is what makes his Eemaan firm by Allaah's permission and His assistance.
And it is upon you to have these good methods and also to be serious about knowledge.  You have to be serious about Dawa' to Allaah.

Now - O brothers - I advise you with two issues:

Firstly: Brotherhood between all of Ahl -ul-Sunnah; So O you Salafiees, disseminate the soul of love and brotherhood between yourselves.  Put into effect what the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - informed us of regarding the believers: ‘Like a building, some of its parts supporting others.’[2]

And that they are: ‘Like a single body if one limb complains then the rest of the body suffers with fever and insomnia.’[3]

This is how you should be O brothers: distance yourselves from the causes of splitting, I swear by Allaah indeed it is a dangerous evil and a disastrous disease.

Secondly: distance yourselves from the causes which lead to enmity, hatred, splitting up and dissension.

Keep away from these things; because this has become predominant nowadays at the hands of people, about whom only Allaah knows their condition and intent.  It has become predominant and has torn apart the youth in this country - whether in the university or other than it - or in the other parts of the Duniya.

Why?! Because those who are not from its people – neither in knowledge nor in understanding - entered into the arena of giving Dawa' to Allaah.

It is possible that the enemies could have entered someone into the midst of the Salafeeyeen to tear them apart and split them up, and this issue is not unlikely, rather it can truly happen -BarakAllaahu Feekum.

Strive to have brotherhood.  If any dissension has occurred between you, then both parties should make themselves forget what is past and start with a clean slate now. 

I say to the brothers: whoever falls short it is not allowed to debase him, nor destroy the one who is deficient.  Whoever makes a mistake amongst us we do not destroy him. -BarakAllaahu Feekum - but we cure him with gentleness, wisdom and face him with love and friendship and all the rest of the righteous manners, along with the correct Dawa' until he repents.  And if there remains a weakness in him then we are not hasty with him, or otherwise, I swear by Allaah no one will remain, no one will remain!
There are some people now who chase after the Salafis so much so that they reached the scholars and called them those who water things down (Mumaya’een)!! There is hardly any scholar in the arena of Dawa’ today except that he has been falsely attacked with this claim about him!  Of course this is the way of the Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen and the way of Ahl-ul-Bida’ since, from the weapons of the Ahl ul-Bida’ is that they begin by overthrowing the scholars, rather it is the Jewish Masonic way: that if you wanted to discredit an idea, then discredit their scholars or their personalities.

So keep away from this rotten legacy and have respect for the scholars.

[1] Narrated by Bukhari (4855) & Muslim (177)
[2] Narrated by Bukhari (481) & by Muslim (2585) from the hadeeth of Abu Musa –radhiAllaahu anhu.

[3] Narrated by Bukhari (6011) & Muslim (2586) from the hadeeth of an-Nu’maan bin Basheer –radhiAllaahu anhu.

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