Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Part 4 Encouragement to have Affection and Friendliness & Warning Against Splitting up and Differing

Part 4
Encouragement to have Affection and Friendliness & Warning Against Splitting up and Differing

الـحـثُ عـلى الـمَودَة و الائتـلافِ
والـتحـذير مـن الـفرقـة والإخـتـلاف

By the
Shaykh Muhaddith Allaama
Rabee' bin Hadi bin Umayr al-Madkhalee

Translated by
Abbas Abu Yahya

Allaah Said, The Messenger Said, The Scholars Said

Call to Allaah - Ta'ala - with everything you have, with proofs and evidences in every place, with the words 'Allaah said', and 'the Messenger of Allaah said' and aided with - after Allaah – with the speech of the scholars of guidance whom, both the Ahul -ul - Sunnah and the people of Bida' accept in their leadership and their status in Islaam.

I advise those brothers who go to Africa or to Turkey or to India or any other place that they should go with the phrase: 'Allaah said, the Messenger of Allaah said and so and so from the scholars whom they respect said.'

So if, for example you went to Africa and you said: ‘Ibn Abdul Barr said, Malik said, so-and-so said.’  Even though the number of people who have corrupt beliefs is not small in number!  So if you come to them with the Book of Allaah - Ta'ala - and with the Sunnah of the Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - then you should also bring the speech of the scholars so that they will listen to your speech and obey you.

This is wisdom, but if you come to them with just your own speech from yourself no-one will ever accept it from you. So it is necessary for you - after the speech of Allaah and the speech of His Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - that you connect it up with the speech of the scholars who have status in the hearts of the people and have a high station, those whom the people will not criticize nor their statements. So if you say: ‘Bukhari said’, you will find that they respect him.  

So for example: The Soofeeyah everywhere respect Bukhari and they respect Muslim.  They respect these two books (Saheeh al-Bukhari and Saheeh Muslim) and they respect these two Imams.  They respect Ahmad bin Hanbal, al-Awzaa’ee and Sufyaan ath-Thawree and other than them from the preceding senior people of knowledge.

That is why there are ties between us and them where we meet up in the truth, so we enter into them from these channels.

And this is from wisdom O brothers; you should not now, due to this, begin by saying: ‘Ibn Taymeeyah said’, even though he is an Imam; because the ignorant people do not know him and even if they knew him they are made to hate him from what they hear from their senior people, so they do not want him nor do they desire him -BarakAllaahu Feekum.. 

You should say :’Ibn Taymeeyah said’  amongst the Salafiyeen -those who respect him- but do not say amongst other people, for example ‘Ibn Taymeeyah said, Ibn Abdul Wahhab  said,’ because the ignorant person who is cultured amidst the people of Bida' runs away from this, so their shaykhs push them away.  So mention to them the names of the scholars whom they respect and hold in regard, because their leaders and their shaykhs misrepresent Ibn Taymeeyah and Ibn Abdul Wahhab and they misrepresent the scholars and leaders of the Dawa' as we previously mentioned.

So do not approach them from this angle, since it is not from wisdom.

However, approach them from the angle of: ‘Malik said, Sufyaan ath-Thawree
 said, al-Awzaa’ee said, Ibn 'Uyainah said, Bukhari said, Muslim said, in such-and-such volume on such-and-such page.’  So the likes of these, they will accept from you.  Then if they accept this from you, they will after that respect Ibn Taymeeyah, they will know that he is on the truth and they will respect Ibn Abdul Wahab and they will know that he is on the truth etc.-BarakAllaahu Feekum.

I say: this is a word of admonition, to follow the path of wisdom in calling the people to Allaah - Tabaraka wa Ta'ala.

And it is from wisdom not to curse their Jamaah :
Ÿwur (#q7Ý¡n@ šúïÏ%©!$# tbqããôtƒ `ÏB Èbrߊ «!$# (#q7Ý¡uŠsù ©!$# #Jrôtã ÎŽötóÎ/ 5Où=Ïæ 3
<< And insult not those whom they (disbelievers) worship besides Allaah, lest they insult Allaah wrongfully without knowledge. >> [al-An’aam:108]

Journey to Sudan

I say: when I went to Sudan, we stopped at Port Sudan.[1]  I was received by the youth of Ansaar as-Sunnah and they said to me: O shaykh we want to bring your attention to something.

I said: “Go ahead.”

They said: “Say whatever you want, say: 'Allaah said, the Messenger of Allaah said.' and attack with whatever you want of Bida' and misguidance; like supplicating to other than Allaah, slaughtering, vows and seeking help etc.  But do not mention: such-and-such sect, nor so-and-so shaykh.  Do not mention that the Tijaaneeyah are from the different sects, nor the Batineeyah, nor mention their leaders, but quote the 'Aqaaid (beliefs); and you yourself will find that the truth will be accepted from you.”

I said: “fine.”  And I followed that way and found a great acceptance from the people.

Do not think - O student of knowledge - that it is from the complete, truthful Manhaj that it is necessary to curse their shaykhs and to defame them!

Indeed Allaah Subhanahu says:
Ÿwur (#q7Ý¡n@ šúïÏ%©!$# tbqããôtƒ `ÏB Èbrߊ «!$# (#q7Ý¡uŠsù ©!$# #Jrôtã ÎŽötóÎ/ 5Où=Ïæ 3
<< And insult not those whom they (disbelievers) worship besides Allaah, lest they insult Allaah wrongfully without knowledge. >> [al-An’aam:108]

So don't curse the shaykh or say: 'deviant!' or something similar! Or such-and-such Tariqaa (Soofee path)!

Since, when they hear this they run away from you.  You will be sinful and will have pushed the people away then you will be those who cause the people to turn away.

When the Messenger - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - sent Muadh and Abu Musa to Yemen he said: “Make things easy and do not make things difficult, give glad-tidings and do not push people away.’[2]

So these are from the ways in which there is ease and glad-tidings.  It does not cause the people to be driven away.  I swear by Allaah that I did not enter a masjid except that I saw joy on the faces of the people and I couldn't exit the place due to the many people who came to me to shake my hand and invite me.

Then the leaders of the Soofeeyah - Shayaateen - saw the danger of this way and this methodology in giving Dawa', so they gathered together and conspired and strung some statements together with which to refute me.  They announced a lecture for me in a big field.

So we all gathered in this field and I spoke, then their leader got up and commented upon what I said, he began to allow seeking help from other than Allaah, to allow Tawwassul (Seeking closeness to Allaah with Haram means), to speak with the denial of Sifaat, talking and talking ........ Supporting all types of falsehood with an evil interpretation.

When he finished - he had no evidences, and he had mentioned weak and fabricated Ahadeeth and he mentioned sayings of Socrates.

I said: “O people, you have heard my speech and I say: ‘Allaah said, the Messenger said.  The well known scholars of the Ummah said.’  This man has mentioned fabricated Ahadeeth and did not support it with anything from the Qur'aan.  Did you hear: 'Allaah said such-and-such in allowing seeking aid from other than Allaah?  And regarding the permissibility of Tawwassul?  Did you hear statements of the senior scholars like Malik and those like him?

You did not hear that, rather you heard fabricated and weak Ahadeeth and the statements of people who you know well to believe in superstitions.”

So this person who believed in superstitions began cursing and swearing.  And I began laughing, I did not curse him nor did I swear at him and I did not say anything more then: may Allaah bless you, may Allaah reward you, may Allaah reward you, may Allaah bless you.

Then we left, I swear by Allaah other than whom there is none worthy of worship except Him - the next day the people began talking in the masajid and the markets that the Soofeeyah were defeated.

[1] This is an inference to a lecture that Shaykh Rabee’ gave in the city of Port Sudan in the year 1392 A.H.  This is just one of many of the evidences that Shaykh Rabee’ follows a moderate Manhaj & has wisdom in giving Dawa’ to Allaah from the beginning of his life until today.  This is contrary to what some people claim that Shaykh Rabee’ follows a Manhaj of harshness. – Publisher’s Quote.
[2] Narrated by Bukhari (3038) & by Muslim (1733) from the hadeeth of Abu Musa al-Ashaari –radhiAllaahu anhu.

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